On May 1-3, 2015, I will be giving a workshop on painting a white Andalusian horse. I wanted the horse to reflect all the colors of the rainbow so I decided on a sunset. I was inspired by a painting I saw at Lesley Harrison’s Workshop a couple of years ago. In fact I went out to California for a private one-on-one session with Lesley so that she could teach me how to achieve this beautiful effect. I had a wonderful time learning from her!
Here is a beginning stage. I added all the colors I wanted to use to the coat first. I used pure pigment colors without added black particularly. Pastel blue, pink and yellow-orange.
I also used the same colors for the background.
After that I began to go darker with the horse itself and progress to the finish.
I LOVE color and like to use it in all animals that I paint.
Same principles apply. I use color first so that it glows through in the finished animal. All pastels used were Rembrandt or NuPastels.