How to Move to the Next Level?

Watch the video below to move to the next level.

Click and watch short video at:

The video is by the artist Daniel Edmondson.  I found it on YouTube.

I was surprised when I opened the video.  Mr. Edmondson says to move to the next level you teach your artwork to someone.  Kay and I accidentally followed a similar path, out of necessity, when I was unexpectedly laid off of my regular job.  We developed a plan and set out to teach pastel workshops.  I agree with Mr. Edmondson, in that if you can teach your techniques, even to one person, you really have to know you stuff.  If you know your stuff that well, it’s a great confidence builder.

I believe the combination of marketing enthusiasm and technical confidence will lead to your success in art marketing and to the fulfillment of your goals in life / art.

For years, Kay’s ambition was to share her art talent with other people.  Now the primary goal of our art business is to teach her students how to create their own works of art.  She is living the dream.

If you want to take your art to the next level, begin to teach.  I promise that you won’t be disappointed.

I encourage you to watch the video at least 3 times with an open mind.  Let me know how this works for you.



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