Happy New Year (early!)

Hi Everyone!

I am starting the new year off right with a blog post. In fact it is the only New Year’s resolution that I made… write regularly in the blog! No weight loss or exercise goals this year.

I am so excited to share with you a story in the Northern Va Daily that just came out today.

Kay Witt works on a pastel painting in the studio of her Strasburg home. She specializes in portraits of wolves, using photos she buys online or takes herself while visiting wolf reserves. Josette Keelor/Daily

The story is about my being with the Wolves at Wolf Park and how they influence my painting. You can read the whole story by clicking on this link.

I also want to share the finished painting I was working on when this picture was taken. The title is “Inteus” which means Proud in Cherokee.

Inteus-Proud One

I have great plans for this blog. My desire is to offer in depth explanation of the painting process and help answer fellow artists  questions.  My goal is to blog at least twice a week. So stay tuned for more step by step paintings and other projects.

Happy New Year and Happy painting!


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